
For me, my food journey has been life long, for as long as I remember I’ve been totally in love with eating and as for cooking, that began when I was old enough to reach the stove. Through disaster and constructive criticism to where I am now, a chef of 18 years having worked for some fabulous restaurants around Sydney, including my own Italian Trattoria, I spent some time working in the UK and now I am a proud mother of two beautiful girls who I have been just dying to take on a life long adventure of delicious nourishment.

Since reaching my 30’s I have taken a huge interest in health and have become a big believer in using food as medicine. Since bringing my two girls into this world it has never made more sense, that maintaining good health through food really is best when addressed from a very young age, from the beginning, only then will a child grow with a deep understanding that real food is indeed that. Whole foods are real foods.

At age 33, recently engaged to my partner Chris and pregnant with our first daughter I was inspired to take on yet another challenge (because a business and a first baby wasn’t about to be hard enough!) I spent a year studying holistic health through the Institute of Integrative nutrition. Here I learned about over a hundred dietary theories and lifestyles and if I was to take away anything from the course it would be this, not everyone is suited to one theory and not one diet is right for everyone. But one thing is for sure, eating as many vegetables and fruits that we can squeeze into our diet is nothing but beneficial for our health no matter who we are or where we’re from. Eating free range, grass fed and organic where ever possible is best and also that love and happiness, movement and breathing and finding activities which fill your cup are just as essential for good health as the food that you choose to eat.

What does a chef do once children are on the cards? I have had some work writing recipes for Marley spoon but I now I spend my days cooking for close to a hundred small children at a childcare centre, and can I say, going to and from work with my own two girls is a privilege that not a lot of women get the opportunity.

Please let me take you on our journey of exciting, healthy and delicious food ideas, recipes and experiences for you and your little ones to enjoy together.

And just so you know, I don’t believe in deprivation when it comes to treats but I do believe in restraint.

Subbing in healthier options where ever possible so our food can be beneficial even when it tastes naughty is how I like to cook.

Healthy bodies are happy bodies.

Much love, Beck x


Spiced red lentil and winter veggie soup with coconut.

Spiced red lentil and winter veggie soup with coconut.

It’s winter time here now and that means our bodies crave lots of warming, hydrating foods full of wintry offerings to keep our immune systems happy and healthy. Think soups, stews, curries etc with lots of liquid in them to help hydrate.

It’s natural for us to be a little more hungry when it’s colder outside, that’s just our bodies way of telling us we need a little more nourishment to keep us warm internally. But now a days to survive the winter and remain feeling healthy at the end it’s ideal that we bulk up on the right foods to support our bodies needs and mother nature does a good job of guiding us right towards seasonal whole foods.

This soup has got to be one of my favourites for an easy knock up that packs a huge nutritional punch and all of the ingredients are usual everyday staples of our fridge and pantry at home. It holds good plant protein from the red lentils which also lends good fibre too, it has lots of immune boosting vitamins from the earthy vegetables and a good healthy serve of anti inflammatory and digestive spices which help give this soup a huge flavour boost. Finished off with some lovely good fats and sweetness from the coconut this soup is pretty much an all rounder which will leave you all warm and fuzzy in the end and the kids absolutely love it too.

My children love a spoon of natural organic yoghurt in just about anything so same goes for this soup!

Recipe: Serves 6-8

Prep time : 10 minutes

Cook time: 1 hour


3 tbs coconut oil

2 onions, chopped

3 large carrots, chopped

4 cloves garlic

1 thumb size piece of ginger, grated

200g sweet potato, diced

200g pumkin, diced

2 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp paprika

2 tbs ground coriander

1 tsp ground cumin

2 cups red lentils, very well rinsed

2 ripe tomatoes, chopped

1 zucchini (200g) chopped

2 litres water or broth

400ml organic coconut milk



In a large heavy based pot heat the oil over medium heat and add the onion and carrot and cook for 5 minutes until beginning to soften, add in the garlic and ginger and cook for a minute or so until they smell delicious and beginning to colour slightly. Add in the sweet potato and pumpkin along with the spices and a teaspoon of sea salt if using, fry the spices for a minute or so and then add the lentils and the water or broth.

Bring to a simmer and reduce heat to medium/low and cook for around 1 hour until all the vegetables are tender and the lentils are soft.

Stir through the coconut milk and bring back to simmer. If it looks a little too thick then add more liquid until you reach your desired consistency, remembering though, the milk will thin down a little also.

Blend with a stick blender until smooth and creamy.

* Lentils are a great source of plant protein without the saturated fat, they also contain high levels of iron, potassium and folate.

* Dried legumes contain phytic acid which is toxic when consumed. Soaking them overnight helps to remove these toxins making them more digestible, however, red lentils are ok with a really good rinse in running water.

*Vegetables that are orange are good sources of vitamin A which is essential for good eye health.

*Soup freezes well. Ideal to freeze in portion sizes so you can remove only what you need.

Superfoodies energy balls

Superfoodies energy balls

Zesty, middle eastern style lamb and carrot meatballs with sides.

Zesty, middle eastern style lamb and carrot meatballs with sides.